AIP Swiss Chard With Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the main tenets of eating AIP is that you are supposed to eat a lot of colorful foods. One of the more eye catching ones that I can think of is red Swiss chard however not everyone likes the flavor of chard. Easily the best way to eat chard, according to me, is to boil it and serve it with a little oil and vinegar. This gives it a savory sensation from the oil, but the vinegar changes the flavor profile completely. It might take me a week to eat a bunch of Swiss chard raw in my salads or in my morning smoothie, but I can eat an entire bunch of Swiss chard from this recipe in about two minutes flat!
This is a great side dish to get more greens, and more color, into your meal. Best of all this is something that you can basically throw together in no time with only a few minutes to put it all together. Just be sure to fully press out all of the water out of the Swiss chard before you season it with oil and vinegar as it tends to hold a lot of water which will dilute the flavors too much if you don't remove enough of it.
Prep time
5 minutes
Cooking time
10 minutes
Recipe yield
2 servings
Ingredients needed
1 bunch Swiss chard (red or white)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon salt (to taste)
Step 1 - Bring pot of water to a boil
Step 2 - Chop Swiss chard into bite sized pieces
Step 3 - Boil for 7 to 10 minutes, until soft
Step 4 - Drain and press all water out of the Swiss chard
Step 5 - Add coconut oil, vinegar, salt and serve right away

I am not sure if there is much in the way of flavor or health benefits between the red chard and the wite chard. I typically buy whichever looks fresher and healthier when I am at the farmers market. All things being equal I go for the red for the extra color in my diet. Be sure to make a lot of this as it REALLY boils down small and even a huge bunch of chard will boil down to a paltry amount at the bottom of the pot.
You can also try steaming the chard instead of boiling it but I find that the fibrous nature of the chard does not cook enough when I steam it versus when I boil it. I am sure that I am giving up some of the nutrition by boiling it but hopefully not too much as the texture is far more palatable after boiling.
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Life with MCTD
Autoimmune protocol recipes

About the author - Steve Goodale is a blogger and technical specialist from Ontario Canada, winner of the 2018 Industry Leadership Award, who reaches over three million readers per year with his popular pool and spa blog. Steve started the blog about healthy eating after being diagnosed with a rare and incurable autoimmune disease. You can read more on his story about life with MCTD here. For more healthy cooking inspiration check out his other delicious recipes.
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